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God Is Love.

Writer: Pastor FajoluPastor Fajolu

WORD: Knowledge of God Through Love; Bible Passage: 1 John 4:7-11. July 19th, 2020.

What is love? Love is generally defined deep affection or fondness. And the Ancient Greek philosophers identified at least four different types which are: Eros- romantic, Philia- brotherly, Storge-family, and Agape- God’s divine love. In this discussion, we are referring to the agape love. It is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and it is directed towards others which goes against our natural inclinations. It can be best be defined by 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 and can only be actualize with the help of the Holy Spirit. Love is a choice and an action. Love involves unselfish service to others, which is an evident that we care. Then, how do I know God through love? You know God through love because God is love, not Love is God, 1 John 4:8. Love is an attribute of God which He demonstrated Him sending His son to die at Calvary for our sins, John 3:16, and by His tender mercy Lamentation 3: 22-23. Our Lord Jesus Christ also instructed us that we should replicate this attribute of love by loving each other in John 13:34-35. In making this choice to love, we avail ourselves to the teaching and guidance of the Holy Spirit which has been given to us as believers, John 14:26, 15:26, 16:13.Hence, we will give ourselves the opportunities to have the knowledge and the understandings of things in the spiritual realms if God decided to reveal them to us. Obeying this commandment to love, will indeed allow us to know God more, because God’s spirit abides in us 1 Corinthians 2:11. We need to love God and others, because that is the only way we can live a victorious life, Mark 12:30-31. We can learn to love by submitting our will to the Holy Spirit, because it is only Him that can give us this agape love that we need to know God. We need to continue to pray without ceasing for God to help us in everyday for God to renew our strength and guide us. And we need to study the Bible daily for inspiration for the knowledge and the wisdom of God so that we know how to act and react in every situation we encounter, Colossians 4:6; Ephesians 4:29; 1 Peter 4:8; Proverb 10:12; Romans 12:14-21. In conclusion, 1 Timothy 1:5 and Eccl. 12: 13-14 instructed us on the purpose of the commandment and how to live a purposeful and victorious life. Remain blessed in the Lord. - Pastor Olumuyiwa Fajolu.


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